Papel Instalaciones de Recuperación de Materiales en EE.UU

Directorio Estadounidense de instalaciones de recuperación de materiales papel- muestra empresas con instalaciones de recuperación de materiales en EE.UU que reciben, separan y preparan papel materiales reciclables.

Nombre de Empresa Servicios de Recolección Materiales Procesados (toneladas/año)
Champion Waste & Recycling Services Texas Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal, Orgánico Si
Charleston County Environmental Management South Carolina Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Charleston Recycling Services, LLC South Carolina Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Metal
Chittenden Solid Waste District Vermont Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal
Cimco Resources, Inc. Illinois Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
CIRG Recycling LLC Alabama Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
City Carting & Recycling Inc. Connecticut Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
City Fibers, Inc. California Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
City Industries, Inc. Texas Papel, Metal Si
City of Roses Disposal & Recycling Oregon Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal, Orgánico Si
City Terrance Recycling California Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal, Orgánico
City Wide Disposal Illinois Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Clayton-Ward Recycling Centers Oregon Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Clean Valley Recycling Colorado Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Clearfield Recycling Utah Papel, Metal Si
Cleveland Corporation Illinois Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Papel, Metal Si
Clovis Recycling Center California Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
CNY Resource Recovery Inc New York Residencial, Comercial Papel, Metal Si
Coastal Waste & Recycling Inc. Florida Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal, Orgánico Si
Cogent Waste Solutions LLC New York Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Colgate Paper Stock Co., Inc New Jersey Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Columbia Recycling PDX Oregon Papel, Metal Si
Columbia Resource Company Washington Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal
Combined Resources Inc. Illinois Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Community Conservation Center California Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si 16.000
Compass Recycling LLC Texas Comercial, Industrial Papel Si
Concord Plastics, Inc Pennsylvania Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Conex Recycling Corporation Georgia Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Confidata New York Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Papel Si
Conigliaro Industries, Inc. Massachusetts Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal, Orgánico Si
Connecticut Metal Industries, Inc. Connecticut Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Consolidated Scrap Resources, Inc. Pennsylvania Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Continental Paper Grading Illinois Comercial, Industrial Papel Si 1.200.000
Cook's Wastepaper and Recycling South Dakota Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Corridor Recycling California Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si 150.000
Cougle's Recycling, Inc. Pennsylvania Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
County Waste and Recycling New York Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Covanta Holding Corporation New Jersey Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
CPM Recycling Services Inc. Illinois Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
CR&R Incorporated California Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Crawford County Solid Waste Management Ohio Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Culpeper Recycling, LLC Virginia Plástico, Papel, Metal, Orgánico Si
Cumberland Recycling Corporation New Jersey Papel, Metal Si
Curbside Management, Inc. North Carolina Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Cutting Edge Document Destruction Illinois Papel Si
Dakota Data Shred South Dakota Residencial, Comercial Papel Si
Dalton-Whitfield Solid Waste Authority Georgia Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal
Danny Recycling Inc California Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Dave Pearson’s Recycling Center California Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Dem-Con Companies, LLC Minnesota Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal
Design for Recycle Colorado Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Diamond K Inc. Pennsylvania Papel Si
Direct Polymers, LLC Colorado Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Dittmer Recycling, Inc. Iowa Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Dixie Pulp & Paper Inc. Alabama Papel
Dixie Pulp & Paper Recycling, LLC Alabama Papel Si
Dixie Waste Paper Company Inc. Tennessee Comercial, Industrial Papel, Metal Si
Document Shredding & Storage, Ltd. Texas Residencial, Comercial Papel Si
Douglas Disposal and Recycling Services Nevada Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
DTG Recycle Washington Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Duke's Commercial Recycling Texas Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel Si
E-Z Recycling, Inc. Minnesota Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
E.L. Harvey & Sons, Inc Massachusetts Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal, Orgánico Si
E.O.M.S. Recycling, Inc. Massachusetts Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Eagle Plastics & Paper Recycling New Jersey Plástico, Papel Si
Eagle Recycling LLC Maryland Comercial, Industrial Papel Si
Earth First Aid Curbside Recycling Montana Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Earthbound Recycling Missouri Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal
EarthTech Contracting New Jersey Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Earthworks Recycling, Inc. Washington Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Earthworm, Inc. Massachusetts Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
East Coast Paper Stock Florida Residencial, Comercial Papel Si
Eastern Recycling Services Maryland Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel Si
Eco-Cycle Inc. Colorado Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Ecology, Inc Illinois Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Ecomaine Maine Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal, Orgánico
ECR Recycling Oregon Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Ed's Recycling Center, Inc New Mexico Papel, Metal Si
EDH International Inc. Texas Papel Si
EFI Recycling Oregon Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel Si
El Dorado Disposal California Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
EL Recycling LLC Texas Comercial Papel, Metal
Elgin Recycling Illinois Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Elite Recycling, LLC Virginia Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Emerald Paper Group LLC Pennsylvania Papel
EMI Recycling Virginia Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel Si
Emmet County Recycling Michigan Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Empire Recycling Corporation New York Residencial, Comercial Papel, Metal Si
Empire State Cardboard Paper Recycling Corp. New York Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal 34.000
Encore Recycling Maryland Comercial Papel Si
Enterprise Recycling New Jersey Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Escondido Disposal, Inc. California Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Eureka Recycling Minnesota Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Ever Green Environmental, LLC South Carolina Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Evergreen Paper Recycling Texas Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel Si
Evergreen Plastics, Inc Ohio Plástico, Papel, Metal
Evolve Resource Management New York Comercial, Industrial Papel
EWG Glass Recovery & Recycle Corp. New York Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Express Recycling Solutions Inc. Wisconsin Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Papel, Metal Si
Far West Recycling, Inc. Oregon Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si 150.000