Papel Instalaciones de Recuperación de Materiales en EE.UU

Directorio Estadounidense de instalaciones de recuperación de materiales papel- muestra empresas con instalaciones de recuperación de materiales en EE.UU que reciben, separan y preparan papel materiales reciclables.

Nombre de Empresa Servicios de Recolección Materiales Procesados (toneladas/año)
Express Recycling Solutions Inc. Wisconsin Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Papel, Metal Si
Falls Recycling Ohio Comercial, Industrial Papel, Metal Si
Far West Recycling, Inc. Oregon Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si 150.000
FCC Environmental Services LLC Texas Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Federal Records Management & Shredding LLC Indiana Comercial Papel Si
Federal Recycling & Waste Solutions Missouri Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal, Orgánico Si
Fiesta Shredding Arizona Papel Si
Filco Carting Corp. New York Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal, Orgánico Si
FileThirteen Oklahoma Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Papel Si
First Capital Fibers, Inc. Pennsylvania Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
First Star Recycling Nebraska Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si 100.000
Fisher Recycling South Carolina Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Flood Brothers Disposal Illinois Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Florida Express Waste and Recycling Florida Residencial, Comercial Papel, Metal Si
FMI Recycling Texas Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Fontana Recycling Center California Comercial Papel Si
Four Season Recycling & Trading, LLC Virginia Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Friedland Industries, Inc. Michigan Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Papel, Metal Si
Friedman Recycling Companies Arizona Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Metal, Orgánico Si
Full Circle Recycling Rhode Island Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Gaeta Recycling New Jersey Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Gainsborough Waste Texas Papel, Metal Si
Garcia Recycling Center & Metals, Inc. California Papel, Metal Si
Gateway Recycling Ohio Comercial, Industrial Papel Si
GEL Recycling, LLC Florida Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal, Orgánico Si
General Mill Supply Co. Michigan Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si 140.000
General Paper, Inc. Texas Papel Si
Generated Materials Recovery Arizona Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Georgetown Paper Stock Maryland Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si 180.000
Georgia Recycling Solutions LLC Georgia Plástico, Papel Si
Gershow Recycling New York Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Papel, Metal
GetGreen Recycling Co. Illinois Comercial, Industrial Papel, Metal Si
Gilton Resource Recovery Inc. California Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Giordano's Recycling New Jersey Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Global Recycle Corporation Florida Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Papel Si
Going Garbage & Recycling Inc. Wisconsin Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Gold Coast Recycling and Transfer Station Inc. California Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si 90.000
Gold Medal Services, LLC New Jersey Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Golper Supply Co. Wisconsin Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Gorgy Recycling Services Florida Papel Si
Grand Rapids Iron & Metal Michigan Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Great Northwest Recycling Texas Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Papel, Metal Si
Green Acres Recycling Georgia Papel, Metal
Green Metals, Inc. Kentucky Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal
Green Planet 21 LLC California Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal, Orgánico Si
Green Quest Recycling Nebraska Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal
Green Recycling Solutions Inc. Indiana Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Green-Go Recycling Temecula California Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Greener Vision Recycling & Waste Wisconsin Comercial Papel Si
GreenWaste California Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal, Orgánico Si
Greif Inc. Ohio Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Groot Industries Inc. Illinois Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal, Orgánico Si
GRRO International Massachusetts Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Hamm Companies Kansas Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Hamtramck Recycling Michigan Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Harmony Industries, Inc. North Carolina Industrial Plástico, Papel Si
Harter’s Quick Clean Up Wisconsin Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Heavy Metal Scrap & Recycling Inc. California Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Papel, Metal Si
Henson Disposal and Recycling Illinois Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Hi-Tech Resource Recovery New York Plástico, Papel, Metal
Hill Country Recycling Corp. Texas Papel, Metal Si
Hill's Shred Express Florida Comercial, Industrial Papel Si 360
Hilltopper Refuse & Recycling Service, Inc. Wisconsin Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Hollenbaugh's Trash & Recycling, LLC Pennsylvania Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Homewood Disposal Service Illinois Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Honolulu Disposal Service, Inc. Hawaii Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Horry County Solid Waste Authority South Carolina Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal 30.000
HOT Shred Texas Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Papel Si
Hub City Waste Paper Co. Tennessee Plástico, Papel Si
Huron Paper Stock Illinois Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal
ICE Recycling, LLC South Carolina Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal
Illini Recycling Illinois Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Independent Recycling Services, Inc. Illinois Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Independent Texas Recyclers Texas Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal 90.000
IndustRecycle, LLC Illinois Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
InSITE Shredding & Recycling California Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Papel Si
Integrated Waste Solutions Georgia Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal, Orgánico Si
Integrity Fiber Supply Indiana Papel Si 1.400.000
International Metal Corp. Massachusetts Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
International Paper Company Tennessee Comercial, Industrial Papel Si 7.000.000
Interstate Waste Services, Inc. New Jersey Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal, Orgánico Si
Interwest Paper Inc. Utah Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel Si
Intonu LLC Georgia Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Invema Group Florida Plástico, Papel, Metal
Iredell Recycling, LLC North Carolina Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Island Recycling, Inc. Hawaii Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si 60.000
J.P. Mascaro & Sons Pennsylvania Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Jamaica Ash & Rubbish Removal Co., Inc. New York Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Jarvis Metals Recycling Inc. Texas Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Papel, Metal Si
JaSar Recycling, Inc. Ohio Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
JCR Recycling LLC Alabama Residencial, Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Jepco Recycling Recousrces Arizona Plástico, Papel Si
Johns Disposal Service, Inc. Wisconsin Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal Si
Junk King Ohio Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal, Orgánico Si
Kaplan's Scrap Yard New York Papel, Metal Si
Kay-Met Recycling California Plástico, Papel, Vidrio, Metal
KB Recycling LLC Texas Comercial, Industrial Papel Si
KC Recycling Depot Indiana Residencial, Comercial Plástico, Papel, Metal
KCS Group, LLC Indiana Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel, Metal Si
Kelco Recycling, Inc. Florida Comercial, Industrial Plástico, Papel Si